
Service tailored to each and every client and their specific needs.

14230transactions handled successfully

You can rely on us.

55660days of experience

Total number of employee days in banking


A key factor for your success is having access to a highly diversified product portfolio.

Be it for the short-term money market or the long-term capital market, together we will find the solution that matches your specific needs.

capital market

money market


Baader & Heins: We have been acting as an independent capital market partner for 30 years, brokering business with call money and time deposits, Schuldschein loans, covered and unsecured instruments, and securities.


In close contact with many companies and institutions.

Nearly 50 years of experience in money market trading and 30 years of Fixed Income trading are the basis for more than 2,500 clients throughout Europe placing their trust in us. What our long-standing clients associate with Baader & Heins is the philosophy that we practise every single day: our word is our bond!

In close and friendly dealings with you, we will assist you with your daily trading in Schuldschein loans and securities and with your short-term liquidity management in the form of time deposits.

Our exceptionally qualified, friendly and committed staff members provide our clients and interested parties with the latest prices and information from the money and capital markets reliably, in good time and professionally on a daily basis.

Our counterparties value us as a reliable partner – contracts are negotiated and concluded over the phone. And the agreements reached are obligatorily adhered to – no ifs, no buts.

Unterschrift Andre Heins
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